GEnie™ Quik-Help is a mini-manual/helper when you're on line. Address your questions, comments, and corrections via GE Mail to either MAC$ or TOMFERNANDEZ GEnie Help Topics: 1) Important Settings on GEnie™ 5) GE Mail Hints & Tips 2) Mac Roundtable Bulletin Board 6) Client Service, Billing, etc. 3) Mac Roundtable Conferences 7) Other RoundTables of Interest 4) Mac Roundtable Software Library ***************************************************** 1) Important Settings on GEnie™ (Page 900) If this is one of your first sessions on GEnie™ there are some important terminal settings you should make sure are set correctly and worth double checking to insure they're set correctly. Below is the terminal set up menu you'll see by typing M900;6 at any main GEnie™ page prompt: P 900? GEnie SET Page 900 Password & User Settings 1.[*]GEnie Setup Script 2.[*]Change Password 3.[*]View/Change Handle 4.[*]Change GE Mail Directory Status 5.[*]Change GEnie*Basic Message Setting 6.[*]Terminal Settings P 900?6 Terminal Settings 1. Prompt Character 63 2. Break Char. (0=True Break) 3 <----------- 3. Character Delete Character 8 <----------- 4. Line Delete Character 24 5. Terminal Type 6 6. Host echo On/Off OFF 7. Page Width (# of chars) 80 8. Page Length (# of lines) 0 9. Save changes and return 10. Return, no save Which Item? The two settings with arrows to the right are very important to smooth operating on GEnie™ during your sessions. The first, Break Char. (0=True Break) controls whether you're able to stop continuous listings such as when you're doing a listing of newly uploaded software, uploading pre-composed messages to either the E-Mail area or messages to the Macintosh BBS message area, subjects which will be covered later. Once your setting is identical to that above you will be able to use the Command (Cloverleaf)-C keys on standard 512K and Mac Plus keyboards, Control-C keys on Apple's ADB keyboards for the Mac SE and newer Macintosh models, simultaneously to stop listings, etc. while on GEnie™. Some Mac comm programs allow you to assign this function to a "clickable" button. Item #3, Character Delete Character controls whether you will be able to backspace over a typing error correctly. Having this set incorrectly can cause many problem including unreadable messages and frustration on your part in not being able to correct mistakes. The above setting will allow you to use the Backspace key on standard 512K and Mac Plus keyboards and the delete key on Apple's ADB keyboards for the Mac SE and newer Macintosh models. Having these two settings set correctly and using the correct key combinations can eliminate considerable frustration and irritation during your GEnie™ sessions. PLEASE make sure they're set correctly. 2) Macintosh Roundtable Bulletin Board (BB): (Page 605;1) The most unique feature of the Bulletin Board is the ability to store messages from the very first day of operation. This can be very useful when you're looking for "older" information. The BB is composed of different "Categories", which contain related "Topics". The following is a list of the different Categories. 1 About Mac RT... 19 Macintosh User Advertisements 2 Games/Diversions 20 The Mac II Family - II, IIx, 3 Communications and the Macintosh IIcx, IIci, IIfx, LC, IIsi, & 4 Commercial Software SE/030 5 Freeware/Shareware 21 Apple's HyperCard 6 Online Product Support 22 *** System 7.0 *** 7 The Macintosh 23 Deneba Software 8 Mac Graphics 24 Dove Computer Corporation 9 Press Releases 25 GCC Technologies 10 Open Window 26 Software Ventures 11 Electronic Music - MIDI 27 Fifth Generation Systems 12 Word Processing/DeskTop Publishing Software 28 Mirror Technologies 13 But Seriously, Folks.. 29 Baseline Publishing 14 Database Applications 30 Aladdin Systems, Inc. 15 Computer Aided Design/Engineering 31 Sigma Designs 16 Printers, Plotters, Digitizers 32 Now Software 17 Disk Drives and Backup Systems 33 ** RESERVED ** 18 Modems and Local Area Networks 34 ** RESERVED ** One's first time in the Macintosh RoundTable's BBS message area can be more than overwhelming since messages do not scroll off. GEnie has taken care of this as conveniently as possible. When one first enters the Macintosh RoundTable, only those messages within Topic 1 of all existing categories will be treated as new, all other's will be treated as having already been read. From one's initial visit, all messages left from that point forward will show up as being new, not just those within the first topic of each category. As long as the Macintosh RoundTable's BB message area is accessed at least every 720 hours (one month), all topic/message counts will be kept current. If it's not possible to access the Macintosh RoundTable's BB message area within this time frame, all settings will revert back to those when one first entered the Macintosh RT's message area. Here are a couple of commands which might come in handy for those who are not able to frequent the Mac RT BBS message area frequently enough to keep up with the messages. The following commands should be of help in both cases. If you'd like to read the most recent messages within a category but skip the older messages use this command string: REAd ALL DAT>910901 This will scan all the existing topics within the category you're set for and only list those messages left after September 1, 1991 stopping at the end of each topic and allowing you the opportunity to REPly. If you don't wish to REPly just add a space and then NOR to the end of the above command string. This will eliminate the REPly after each topic and automatically go to the next topic within a category with messages meeting the date qualifier in the above command string. If you wish to list all the messages within ALL the categories in the Mac RT BBS message area one additional parameter needs to be added to the above command string making it look like so: REAd ALL DAT>910901 CAT=1-32 Again, if you don't wish to REPly to messages at this time just add a space and then NOR to the end of the above command string. The only current limitation to using the CAT= qualifier is you must specify categories which are sequential, i.e. 1-5, 8-10 rather than being able to indicate 1,8,12,20. These two variations of the REAd command can be very helpful and time saving, especially for first time visitors to the Macintosh RoundTable BBS message area. UPLOADING MESSAGES TO THE BBS MESSAGE AREA: ------------------------------------------- There are two methods for uploading messages you have created off line to the Macintosh BBS message area. The first requires no basic changes from the way a message is manually typed in while on line. The only critical factor is you MUST set your Mac communications program to wait for the ">" character seen after each line number while inputting a message. Most times this is provided for under text settings with the communications program. Not having your communications program wait for the ">" will cause lines to be sent before the GEnie™ editor is ready to accept them, resulting in the first part of each line being lost and a unreadable message being left. The other method is by using the *UPload command. It is not necessary to set anything within your communications program unless you have it set to wait for a specific character before sending the next line. Once you've used the *UP command and see the READY FOR INPUT prompt, just have your communications program send the text file. When you're finished sending the message use your Break key to return to the line number prompt, use *S to "send" the message. You will be then see a notice telling you what the message number is. You will also see the notice "Category x Topic x has been marked". Since this DA in intended to give a brief overview of the most important points in operating on GEnie and within the Macintosh RT, this won't be coved in detail. It's recommended you consider downloading file #11119, GENIE MANUAL.SIT, a MacWrite formatted, updated version of the GEnie On Line manual. Additional information on BBS commands can be obtained by using the HELp xxxx (xxx = the command such as MARk, BROwse, REAd, etc.). A detailed explanation will be listed on your screen. One VERY important point. Please insure that your text file contains a Carriage Return at least every 79 to 80 characters. The GEnie™ editor must have an indication of where your lines stop and the Carriage Return is what it's looking for. You insert a Carriage Return in a text file by pressing your Return key where you wish the carriage return to be included. If you're using White Knight, Microphone II or Smartcom, it is very easy to set these communications programs to set the line length for each line and have these communications programs automatically insert the required carriage return. BTW, the above "rules" also apply to uploading messages to the GE Electronic Mail area so they are very handy to remember. One additional point on message formatting in the BBS message area. If you wish to include columns such as a list of items for sale where each line is not complete or programming code, make sure there is at least ONE SPACE at the beginning of each of the lines you wish to be separate. This will tell the editor not to use word wrap to put this text on the previous line to make a complete line. Bulletin Board Hints: 1) PLEASE select the most appropriate category when you start a new topic. 2) If you need help with BB commands, type HELP at the "1?" prompt. 3) To move to a different category, type SET x (x = Category number). 4) To read all new messages off line, type BRO NOR and save to a disk file. 5) To ignore new messages since your last session, type IGN ALL. ***************************************************** 3) Macintosh Roundtable Conferences (RTC): (Page 605;2) RTC is a GREAT "electronic" meeting place to discuss topics of interest with other Macintosh users. The following commands are the major commands to get you started in RTC: Note ---> x = Job (user) number n = Room number /HELp -- Lists all available commands. /BLAnk -- Add a blank line between messages. /BYE -- Log off GEnie and disconnects the modem. /CALl x -- Get another users attention (Job x). /EXIt -- Exit RTC and return to the Mac-RT menu. /MONitor n -- Monitor the conversation in Room n. /NAMe -- Add a nickname (/NAM Betty). /PRIvate x -- Request that Job x has a private conversation with you. /SENd x -- Sends a private message to Job x. Nobody else sees the message. /SQUelch x -- Used to stop seeing the messages from Job x. /STAtus -- Displays nicknames, locations, and Job numbers of the other users. /USErs -- Shows how many users are in each room. /XBLank -- Discontinue blank lines between messages. These are the basic commands for RTC. If you type /HLP, GEnie will display the full list of commands. Most users switch from "Half Duplex" to "Full Duplex" while in RTC. This eliminates the "double characters" that Half Duplex causes and makes your session more enjoyable (and readable). Be sure to change back to "Half Duplex" when you exit RTC. One almost indispensable feature within a Macintosh communications program for conferencing is what's called a buffered keyboard. This allows one to type messages to be sent while others are also sending without one's text being "interrupted" by incoming text. White Knight, Microphone II both have this capability as do ZTerm and Termulator, the latter shareware communications program available within the Macintosh RoundTable's software libraries for downloading. ***************************************************** 4) Macintosh Roundtable Software Library (S/L): This is what most people came here for....a wealth of free (aka public domain) or shareware software to download and use. You can also upload software for others to try out and use. To reach the Macintosh RoundTable's software libraries is as easy as typing a command or having a procedure, script, auto-pilot, etc. send the command for you. From most main areas on GEnie, merely type M605;3 or if you're at Page 605, just type 3 to reach the software libraries! Below is an example of the Macintosh-RT S/L menu. GEnie Mac RoundTable Software Library Library: ALL Libraries 1. Description of this Library <---Description of the Software Library. 2. Directory of files <---Brief description of each file. 3. Search File Directory <---Search for files using "keywords". 4. Browse through files <---Browse files with option to download. 5. Upload a new file <---Upload a file to GEnie. 6. Download a file <---Download a file from GEnie. 7. Delete a file you own <---Delete a file you've uploaded. 8. Set Software Library <---Set a specific software library. 9. Save Current Software Library <---Permanently set a library chosen using selection 8. 10. Instructions for Software Exchange <---Additional information about files. 11. Directory of New Files <---Listing of newly uploaded files. 12. Join/Ignore Library Category <---Most often used to eliminate libraries which contain files not of interest to a Mac RT member. Enter # or

revious? Item #2 -- Directory of Files This command lists all files available for downloading. Additional file information is contained in the file listing. ALL Libraries No. File Name Type Address YYMMDD Bytes Access Lib ----- ------------------------ - ------------ ------ ------- ------ --- 20950 SOUNDMASTER 1.7.1.SIT X BTOMLIN 910906 45696 569 9 Desc: Works with Sound Manager & Sys 7 20949 UATERM.SIT X MS.MACINTOSH 910906 145152 188 7 Desc: PD Comm Toolbox Terminal Program 20948 MODE32.SIT X BART.BARTON 910905 25216 933 16 Desc: Mode32 from Connectix File information contained in the above listing is: No: The file number. File Name: The file name. Type: The file type (X=Xmodem file, 7=ASCII Text File). Address The uploaders GE Mail address. YYMMDD The date the file was uploaded. Bytes Total size of the file in bytes. Access Total number of times the file was downloaded. Lib The library which the file is located in. Item #3 -- Search File Directory You can search for a file using a "keyword" term or by an uploaders address. If you wanted to search for a terminal program, you might use "modem" or "terminal" as a keyword. You can use an "uploader's address" in the case where you are searching for a program and you know the GE Mail address of the uploader. It is not possible to use the date prompt by itself. Either a keyword and/or uploader's address must be specified. Item #8 -- Set Software Library The S/L is divided in many different Libraries. The software is grouped into the different subject Libraries. To look at the available Libraries, you can select the item "Set Software Library" (item #8). The different Libraries are: 1. Graphics - Programs, Images & PICTs 18. Classifieds 2. Movies/Music/Speech 19. Macintosh Virus Utilities & Info 3. Games and Entertainment 20. Adult Graphics 4. Word Processing & Desktop Publishing 21. ** Reserved ** 5 Desk Accessories & Function Keys 22. ** Reserved ** 6. General Utilities 23. ** Reserved ** 7. Telecommunications & Networking 24. MUG News Service-On Line - Private 8. Business Software & Text Files 25. Aladdin Systems, Inc. 9. Commercial Demos 26. Dubl-Click Software, Inc.(Private) 10. Bulletin Board Message Archives 27. Dove Computer 11. General Information and Text Files 28. Deneba Software 12. Educational Software and Text Files 29. GCC Technologies 13. Templates - Database & Spreadsheets 30. Software Ventures (Microphone) 14. Software Demos and Test Drives 31. Fifth Generation Systems 15. Stack City (HyperCard Stack Files) 32. Baseline Publishing 16. Current Apple Computer Files 33. Survivor Software Ltd 17. Past Apple Computer Files 34. Now Software, Inc. 35. ALL Libraries In most cases, you do not have to "set" a software library. If you wish to browse the files in a certain library or upload a file, then you will need to "Set Software Library". If you wanted to set your S/L to Desk Accessories, you would select Library #5. By doing this, you will only see files which are contained in Library 5. When you upload a file, GEnie will prompt you to select a Software Library. Please choose the most appropriate Library. Downloading Hints & Tips ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Your terminal program must use a variation of error checking protocols called MacBinary. Most terminal programs support MacBinary. There additional file transfer protocols provided by GEnie for downloading, XMODEM/1K Blocks, YMODEM, including YMODEM-G if your modem has MNP and ZMODEM. Based on the overall simplicity of use in addition to efficiency and capabilities, it is highly recommended if your Macintosh communications program includes ZMODEM, this be your protocol of choice. Check your communication program's manual to determine whether these protocols are available in the comm program you're using. 2) Many of the files in the Macintosh-RT S/L have been "compressed" using different file compressors. These files will have a "suffix" of .PIT, .SIT, .CPT or in some instances, .SEA (ex...AFile.Sit, AFile.CPT). You will need to first download the file compressor so that you can "uncompress" the file when you've finished your session. Extractors which will work with all compressed files uploaded to the Macintosh RoundTable's software libraries are available within file 20289, MAC RT FILE EXTRACTORS. The file compression standards allowed are "PackIt (.PIT)," "StuffIt (.SIT)," "Compact Pro (.CPT)" and any self-extracting compressed file. The most current version of the shareware version of StuffIt Classic or Compact Pro are made available via the Mac RT's software libraries shortly after Aladdin Systems or Bill Goodman personally uploads their new versions, respectively. 3) If you have any questions, you can send E-Mail to: MAC$ or TOMFERNANDEZ ( Chances are we'll get back to you with a reply with 12 hours!) ***************************************************** 5) GE Mail System (Page 200) Below is the menu you will see when you reach Page 200: GEnie MAIL Page 200 GE Mail 1.[*]Display Queue of GE Mail Letters <-- List the E-Mail message you have waiting. 2.[*]Read GE Mail <-- Read E-Mail messages you haven't read yet. 3.[*]Read (List) All Letters in your Mailbox <-- Read All the E-Mail messages you've received in the last 5 days. 4.[*]Read (List) Letters From Specific User <-- Read messages from a specific user you've received within the last 5 days. 5.[*]Read (List) Letters From Specific Date <-- Read All messages received on a specified date. (Within 5 days) 6.[*]Compose and Send GE Mail Online <-- Manually type a message in while still on-line. 7.[*]Upload a Text Letter <-- Upload a message you've created off-line as a text file with a Carriage Return every 79 characters. 8.[*]Search GE Mail Directory <-- Search for a user's mail address based on actual name. 9.[*]GE Mail Command Mode <-- Equivalent in E-Mail to no menu prompts in the BBS message area(s). 10.[*]About Xmodem Mail <-- Explains how to use XMODEM E-Mail to attach a file to your E-Mail message. 11. Send (Upload) XMODEM File <-- Allows attachment of a binary or large text files to an E-Mail message. 12. Receive (Download) XMODEM File <-- Download a binary or large text file sent to you via E-Mail. 13.[*]Send FEEDBACK to GEnie <-- Allows messages to be sent via E-Mail directly to GEnie FEEDBACK. Enter #,

revious, or elp? NOTE: An asterisk (*) denotes a feature of GEnie*Basic services. Sending or receiving a XMODEM file is NOT included in GEnie*Basic services. Congrats, that’s all there is to sending and reading GE Mail. You can compose GE Mail “off line” and then upload the letters to GEnie using a "prompted" text file upload. The prompt character is ">". Uploading your GE Mail letters will save you both time and money, since you are doing your composing off line. ***************************************************** 6) Client Service, Billing, User Settings (Page 8005) Need to change your password, or curious about your bill? These and other services are listed below and available at Page 8005. GEnie*Basic *SET Page 8005 User Settings/Billing Info 1.[*]GEnie Rate Information 2.[*]GEnie User Agreement 3.[*]Billing Usage Report 4.[*]Review/Update User Settings 5.[*]First Time Set-Up Script 6.[*]Change Address or Billing Info 7.[*]Change Warning Message Setting 8.[*]Change Password 9.[*]Info on Billing Usage Report 10.[*]Display Last Billing Transaction 11.[*]Apply for Corporate Invoicing P 8005? If you have a question about the Mac or things pertaining to the Macintosh Roundtable, you can send GE Mail to one or more of the Sysops by using selection 7, [*]Feedback to the Mac RT within the Macintosh RoundTable's main menu at Page 605. If you have a question about your bill, password, rates, etc., please send GE Mail addressed to: FEEDBACK ***************************************************** 7) Other Areas of Interest on GEnie GEnie has many areas of interest for it's members and is adding new services regularly. The *INDEX command from any GEnie main page prompt such as Page 605, Page 200, Page 1, etc. will take you to the following menu: GEnie*Basic *INDEX Page 8150 Index of Products & Services 1.[*]Short Description in page # order 2.[*]Short desc. in alphabetical order 3.[*]Long description in page # order 4.[*]Long desc. in alphabetical order 5.[*]Keyword Search for Products 6.[*]GEnie News & Events 7.[*]GEnie LiveWire Magazine P 8150? Here are a couple of examples of descriptions available from this menu: Short description in page # order: Following is a list of GEnie Services, including keywords and page numbers which may be used for navigation from within GEnie. GEnie has three types of services-GEnie*Basic Services, GEnie Value Services and GEnie$Professional Services. (GEnie*Basic Services currently available only in the US and Canada.) For easy identification, there are pricing indicators following the keyword description on the index A '[*]' indicates the service is a GEnie*Basic Service, with non-prime time access included in your monthly subscription fee. A '[$]' indicates a GEnie$Professional Service for which prices vary. (See information on the specific service for pricing details.) Most other services, those without a pricing indicator, are GEnie Value services billed at hourly connect time rates. Index of Keywords and Page Numbers Page Keyword Description ---- -------- -------------------- 001 TOP GEnie Top-Level Menu 003 GENIE GEnie Information 010 INFO Tips & Information 011 TIPS Quick Tips ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Long description in page # order: Following is a list of GEnie Services, including keywords and page numbers which may be used for navigation from within GEnie. GEnie has three types of services-GEnie*Basic Services, GEnie Value Services and GEnie$Professional Services. (GEnie*Basic Services currently available only in the US and Canada.) For easy identification, there are pricing indicators following the keyword description on the index A '[*]' indicates the service is a GEnie*Basic Service, with non-prime time access included in your monthly subscription fee. A '[$]' indicates a GEnie$Professional Service for which prices vary. (See information on the specific service for pricing details.) Most other services, those without a pricing indicator, are GEnie Value services billed at hourly connect time rates. The following prints a long description of every product available on GEnie. Turn on a capture buffer, or your printer and then press . Issue a BREAK to stop.? -------------------- Product : About GEnie - Help and Information Keyword : GENIE Category : About GEnie Page # : 10 GE Mail : FEEDBACK GEnie$Professional : NO GEnie*Basic : NO Description: This area contains a lot of valuable information about GEnie and its operation. You can update your mailing address here... check your current bill... or find out when the next holiday on GEnie is. Menu items include Copyright Notice, Policies & Guidelines, Hours of Operation, Holiday Schedule, Quick Tips, Index of Services, Client Services Information, GEnie Online Manual, Rates, Billing and Account Information, Password & User Settings, and the Phone Access List. -------------------- Product : GEnie*Basic Keyword : INFO Category : Service Page # : 10 GE Mail : FEEDBACK GEnie$Professional : NO GEnie*Basic : NO Description: This keyword takes you to page 10, the GEnie*Basic information page. -------------------- Product : Quick Tips for GEnie Keyword : TIPS Category : About GEnie Page # : 11 GE Mail : FEEDBACK GEnie$Professional : NO GEnie*Basic : NO Description: This area provides several quick help files about GEnie. They include information on Menu Navigation, Uploading & Downloading, Bulletin Boards and Real Time Conferences. -------------------- As shown in the menu above it's also possible to search by keyword (selection #5) if you know what you're looking for. ***************************************************** Here's a couple of commands not mentioned before. These are used from GEnie main page prompts such as Page 1, 606, etc.: N or NOTIFY: This allows you to send a message to anybody who is on line. L or LOCATE: This command allows you to LOCATE a specific user. NOTE: otifies can only be sent while within GEnie Value Service areas but may be received within GEnie*Basic areas. ocates can only be used while within GEnie Value Service areas. NON or NO NOTIFY: This command allows you to turn-off the ability of other users to send you a NOTIFY. Type NON to return to normal status. HELLO: Sometimes GEnie will send you a message to Log on again. This occurs when the "mainframe cluster" you are on is going to be shutdown or restarted. If you type HELLO at any menu prompt, you can re-logon without disconnecting from GEnie. If you're uncomfortable typing in your GEnie User ID and password when this occurs, you can disconnect from GEnie and log on again. ***************************************************** Hopefully this Desk Accessory will allow your on line sessions to be more productive for you. If you have any questions or comments, you can send GE Mail to either MAC$ or TOMFERNANDEZ. GEnie is a Registered Trade and Service Mark of General Electric Company, U.S.A. Macintosh is a TradeMark of Apple Computer Inc. Many of the various products or services mentioned within this DA are also protected by Trade and/or Service Marks. GEnie™ Quik-Help is Copyright © 1991 by Tom Fernandez. Distribution of GEnie™ Quik-Help is restricted to the Macintosh RoundTable on GEnie unless specific permission is requested of and granted by the author (that's me!) Many thanks to Billy Steinberg for Display DA, which allows DAs such as this to be created!